Privacy Policy

1. Introduction
This shop may collect personal information (defined by Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Law) and other information about customers (hereinafter referred to as “customer information”) when customers use this shop. This shop shall comply with the Personal Information Protection Law, other related laws and regulations, guidelines, and the Privacy Policy set forth below in handling customer information.
2. Applicability
This Privacy Policy applies to all customer information obtained by this shop when customers use this shop.
3. Customer Information Obtained by This Shop
This shop obtains the following customer information through methods such as (a) direct input by customers themselves on services related to this shop, (b) information provided by customers to this shop through means such as email, postal mail, written documents, and telephone, and (c) collection during the use or browsing of services related to this shop by customers.
Information Obtained When Purchasing Goods, Etc. by Customers
  • Basic information such as customer’s name, address, occupation, etc.
  • Contact information such as customer’s phone number, email address, etc.
  • Information such as customer’s bank account information, etc.
  • Other information about customers and purchases of goods, etc. by customers
Other Information Obtained When Customers Use This Shop
  • Information about products purchased by customers, etc., and the use of this shop
  • Information about customer’s payment status on this shop
  • Information such as cookies, IP addresses, device types, mobile device identifiers, browser types, browser languages, referral URLs, platform types, page views, page viewing times, and activity on this shop’s app or website conducted by customers when using this shop
  • Other information about the use of this shop by customers
Information Obtained During Surveys Conducted by This Shop
  • Customer’s usage status of this shop, requests related to this shop, and other responses to surveys by customers
  • Other information about surveys for customers
4. Purpose of Use
This shop will use the customer information described in 3. for the following purposes.
Provision of Services Related to This Shop to Customers, Etc.
  • To confirm purchases of goods, etc. made using this shop
  • For billing, payment, and verification related to this shop
  • For providing other services related to this shop to customers
Improvement of Services Related to This Shop and Development of New Services, Etc.
  • For research and analysis of usage status and usage patterns of this shop
  • For conducting surveys about this shop for customers
  • To send rewards, etc. for cooperation in surveys, etc.
  • For improving, enhancing, and developing new services related to this shop
  • To customize the content of services related to this shop for individual customers
  • For planning and researching development of new services
  • For other measures to improve the quality of services provided by this shop
Response to Inquiries About Services Related to This Shop, Etc.
  • To provide contact and information about services related to this shop
  • To confirm applications for email delivery services and to deliver emails
  • For campaign notifications
  • To send prizes, etc. for contests, etc. that have received applications
  • For announcements of new products, new services, etc.
  • To notify customers of significant changes regarding services related to this shop, such as changes to terms of use
  • For responding to inquiries, claims, etc. from customers
  • For other appropriate communication with customers regarding the use of this shop
Advertising, Marketing, Etc.
  • For delivering, displaying, or measuring the effectiveness of advertisements for this shop
  • For implementing measures for advertising and marketing purposes
Management and Operation, Etc.
  • For confirming the usage status and registration information of services related to this shop for customers
  • For confirming compliance with terms of use by customers
  • For responding to customers suspected of violating terms of use or found to be in violation of terms of use, and for resolving troubles related to the operation of this shop
  • For implementing measures necessary to ensure safe use by customers and to maintain the quality of services related to this shop
5. Provision and Entrustment of Customer Information to Third Parties
This shop may provide or entrust customer information to third parties under the following circumstances. In such cases, the shop will conduct a review to ensure that the recipient meets the criteria set by the shop, entrusts and provides customer information under appropriate supervision, and ensures that customer information is properly managed in the contract terms.
Provision and Entrustment to Business Contractors
When it is necessary to outsource part or all of the business to other companies for processing customer information, providing information to customers, conducting campaigns or surveys, or analyzing usage of services related to this shop.
Provision and Entrustment to Shop’s Collaborators and Partners
When collaborating with other companies or entities to provide services related to this shop (including entering into cooperative or partnership relationships with advertising delivery service providers, advertising agencies, and other businesses related to advertising, for the purpose of delivering and measuring the effectiveness of advertisements).
Provision to Successors Due to Business Succession, etc.
When transferring the business including services related to this shop to other companies through mergers, corporate splits, business transfers, etc. (including cases where this shop establishes a separate corporation to succeed to its business).
Provision Based on Laws and Regulations
When requested by courts, administrative agencies, regulatory authorities, or other public institutions to provide customer information based on laws and regulations.
For Resolving Disputes with Third Parties
When it is deemed necessary to provide customer information to resolve disputes with third parties or to ensure the rights and interests of customers or third parties related to the services of this shop.
6. Management
This shop strictly manages customer information to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorized access, leakage, etc. As mentioned in section 5, if this shop entrusts the handling of personal information to other companies or entities, the shop will supervise them appropriately.
7. Use of Google Analytics and Cookies
Use of Google Analytics
This shop uses Google Analytics to investigate and analyze usage patterns and behaviors of customers for services related to this shop. Data collected through Google Analytics is managed according to Google’s privacy policy. For details about Google Analytics and opt-out procedures, please refer to the “Google Analytics Terms of Service” and “How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services.”
Use of Cookies
This shop may use cookies and similar technologies for purposes such as improving convenience, analyzing statistical data, and delivering, displaying, and measuring the effectiveness of advertisements for services related to this shop. Cookies are text data stored on your device when you access services related to this shop. You can limit or refuse the acceptance of cookies at your discretion through browser settings, but please note that if you choose to do so, you may not be able to use services related to this shop properly.
8. Correction of Customer Information by This Shop
If there are changes to customer information such as the name of municipality, postal code, or name of financial institution that may affect billing or payments, this shop may modify the registered customer information.
9. Confirmation, Correction, Disclosure, etc. of Customer Information by Customers
Customers can take the following actions regarding the handling of customer information:
Confirmation and Correction of Customer Information
Customers can confirm and correct customer information registered by themselves at any time.
Disclosure of Held Personal Data
Except in the following cases, this shop will promptly disclose held personal data or records related to third-party provision upon request from customers.
  • When disclosure may harm the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
  • When disclosure may significantly hinder the proper implementation of this shop’s business
  • When disclosure would violate laws and regulations
Correction of Held Personal Data, etc.
If this shop receives requests from customers for correction, addition, deletion, erasure, suspension of use, or suspension of third-party provision of held personal data, the shop will investigate and confirm whether the request is made by the customer themselves or by an authorized agent, and will respond in accordance with legal requirements. Please note that due to technical limitations, the shop may not be able to directly fulfill all customer requests.
10. Disclaimer and Notes
Use of Other Operators’ Websites
This shop is not responsible for the protection of personal information, etc., on websites operated by other operators or individuals (including websites accessed via links from websites used to provide services related to this shop). Please carefully review the content of such websites before using them.
Information for Verifying the Individual
Customers are responsible for carefully managing information for verifying their identity to prevent loss, forgetfulness, and leakage to third parties.
11. Changes to Privacy Policy and Confirmation of Latest Privacy Policy
This shop will periodically change the contents of this privacy policy. Customers are requested to check the latest privacy policy when using services related to this shop. When this shop changes this privacy policy, it will notify or announce to customers the fact that this privacy policy has been changed, the content after the change, and the effective date of the change. In cases where obtaining consent from customers is required by law regarding changes to this privacy policy, the shop will obtain consent from customers (including cases where customers are deemed to have agreed to the changed privacy policy when they use this shop’s services after being notified or announced of the changes, or when they do not take procedures such as canceling registration within the period specified by this shop).
12. Information and Contact for Inquiries Regarding This Shop
For inquiries regarding this privacy policy and various requests to this shop based on the Personal Information Protection Act, please contact us via the inquiry form of this shop.
Last updated: March 15, 2022
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